
Where does your true intelligence lie? [Pedagogy]

 先日、現職中学校教師のためのワークショップがありました。そこで、担当講師の方が、今話題のMultiple Intelligenceを簡単にチェックできるシートを配ってくれました。興味のあるかた、以下の質問に答えてみてください。


EARCOS Weekend Workshop
"Teaching the Best practice Way: Classrooms of Success for All"
presenter: Nancy M. Doda

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This survey will help you identify your areas of strongest intelligence. Read each statement, if it expresses some characteristics of yours and sounds true for the most part, jot down a "T". If it does not mark an "F". If the statement is sometimes true and sometimes false, leave it blank.

1 I would rather draw a map than give someone verbal directions.
2 If I am angry or happy, I usually know exactly why.
3 I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument.
4 I can associate music with moods.
5 I can add or multiply quickly in my head.
6 I can help a friend sort out strong feelings because i successfully dealt with similar feelings.
7 I like to work with calculators and computers.
8 I enjoy categorizing things by common traits.
9 I pick up new dance steps fast.
10 It is easy for me to say what I think in an argument or debate.
11 I enjoy a good lecture, speech or sermon.
12 I always know north from south no matter where I am.
13 I like to gather together groups of people for parties or special events.
14 Ecological issues are important to me.
15 Life seems empty without music.
16 I always understand the drawings that come with new gadgets or appliances.
17 I like to work puzzles and play games.
18 Learning to ride a bike (or skate) was easy.
19 I am irritated when I hear an argument that sounds illogical.
20 I can convince other people to follow my plans.
21 Hiking and camping are enjoyable activities for me.
22 My sense of balance and coordination is good.
23 I often see patterns and relationships between numbers faster and easier than others.
24 I enjoy building models (or sculpting).
25 I enjoy working on a garden.
26 I am good at dinging the fine points of word meanings.
27 I can look at an object one way and see it turned sideways or backwards just an easily.
28 I often connect a piece of music with some event in my life.
29 I like to work with numbers and figures.
30 Animals are important in my life.
31 I like to sit quietly and reflect on my inner feelings.
32 Just looking at shapes of buildings and structures is pleasurable to me.
33 I like to hum, whistle, and sing in the shower or when I am alone.
34 I am good at athletics.
35 I enjoy writing detailed letters to my friends.
36 I am usually aware of the expressions on other people's faces.
37 I am sensitive to the expressions on other people's faces.
38 I stay "in touch" with my moods. I have no trouble identifying them.
39 I am sensitive to the moods of others.
40 I have a good sense of what others think of me.

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 どうでしたか?Scoring Sheetは、次回に。でも、なんとなく、どの質問がどれか、というのは、分かりますね。
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